Home Genshin Impact Ganyu Genshin Impact Character

Ganyu Genshin Impact Character

Genshin Impact Ganyu

Ganyu Genshin Impact Playable Character

Today we’re going to talk about DPS Ganyu who is actually insane DPS Ganyu is so good and how to use her how to play her and just show you the damage she deals so we have had a ton of fun learning her on stream testing everything out and researching her extensively so we ready to now bring you guys this guide we’re gonna go over best artifacts weapons comps and a DPS showcase.

How much damage she could deal crit over 100k with just one shot but she is a DPS so she’ll be doing a lot of damage just with every single charge shot it’s pretty crazy so yeah definitely an amazing cryo DPS charge shot DPS. Ganyu just came out and this is a guide slash build I do really take some time to go over her talent so you guys fully understand how to play her so the main reason she works main DPS is because of her normal attack of how good her charge shot is now her charge shot has two levels just a normal charge shot and a frost flake arrow.

Let’s Talk about weapons on Ganyu a strong suit of Ganyu is that she’s very free-to-play friendly obviously if you do pull her.

Prototype Crescent

Her best four-star weapon is actually the prototype crescent now there are other good options that I will talk to you guys about if you like don’t have a prototype or if you use your only one or whatever but in general prototype, the crescent is the best for starboard on her because most enemies have weak points right just like not slimes and this attack bonus which does go up with your refinement is pretty huge once you do a single charge attack on a weak point which you’re going to be doing as DPS went you and on top of that the stat that it gives you is attack percent which is very nice.

Black Lift Warble

The other good options like black lift warble and like Verdes and hunt are good and you can use if you as I said you don’t have any like prototypes and there are three stars that are okay but much worse like sharpshooters.

BirthdayDecember 2nd
ConstellationSinae Unicornis
AffiliationYuehai Pavilion
Special DishProsperous Peace
How to ObtainEvent Wish – Adrift in the Harbor
Release DateJanuary 12, 2021

Genshin Impact Ganyu GamePlay


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